Friday, October 5, 2018

Why Brexit is a mistake

Why Brexit is a mistake

In the First World War (1914-1918) twenty million people were killed and 21 million were wounded.  By 1932,14 years later Fascism had arisen in Germany under Hitler and seven years later, the Second World War (1939-1945) had broken out, killing 60 million people.

Since 1945- At the end of World War Two, no conflict has occurred in Europe, a period of seventy-three years of peace. Is this a coincidence or did the establishment of the EU play a pivotal role?

There can be no doubt that the close ties between the members of the EU based on law, trade and cooperation is the deciding factor.

But once again Fascist movements are arising in Germany, France, and many other EU countries. Anti-Semitism, a barometer of tolerance is reaching extreme proportions.

The UK’s break from Europe could herald a cascade of leavers-other countries are already making noises in this direction. This could lead to only one result- a Third World War. With the sophisticated weapons including the nuclear bomb available, the mortality figures would be astronomically threatening the very existence of mankind.
It’s not too late for the UK to step back from the brink and learn the lessons of history.