Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Solving the NHS dilemma

                                          SOLVING THE NHS DILEMMA

In her book ‘The Life Project (2016)’ page 393 Helen Pearson writes

     ‘Quite how the NHS is going to cope with the enormous expense of an
     ageing the population is the topic of regular talks and hand-wringing at a  
     very high level of the health service but no one seems to have come
     up with any clear solutions to the problem’

This question remains unanswered as Minister after Minster repeats the mantra free at the point of need.

The reality is that in time unless something is done, the NHS will bankrupt the country as more and more other vital services will be sacrificed on its altar.

BUT there is a solution, one which the government has been reluctant to grasp,
that is:
This is not so revolutionary as the public has already accepted payment for prescriptions and dental care as the dike has been breached.

What is needed is an agreed Parliamentary statement outlining the principals underlying payment for National Health services as follows:

1 A condition which is wholly caused by the individual’s life choice but not life threatening. E.g. sport

2 A treatment which is chosen for cosmetic reasons.

3.A condition that is directly caused by lifestyle choices.

4. Patients over 75 with secure incomes.

 Applicable if the individual is a wage earner or supported by a wage earner. Earning > £20,000 a year