Monday, October 17, 2011


Just few days ago  I was born
A very small pothole was formed 
 A tiny break, you could mistake   
That you didn't know what I was
An insignificant being, compared
To my grand friends down there..
I had big aspirations to be more
I was not  pleased to be ignored
By the way you  rode over me
I felt that  I didn't exist . 
You conveniently forgot  my presence, 
Letting your wheels crush my very essence. 
Desperately I looked around for other friendly holes 
Trying to make their way in the world, like me. 
Oppressed and alone 
I began to make my plans
The rains became my ally 
and slowly I filled up with water 
Expanding my walls . 
And you began to notice me.
You started to drive round me 
At last  acknowledging my existence . 
That was not enough for me. 
More rains came and filled me .
My walls began to crumble and  .
I became deeper 
But still you drove round me
Ignoring and ostracizing me.
But I was not daunted. 
One night, it rained all the time
and in the morning 
I had become a sizable hole
Although I was much deeper . 
Happily you could no longer sea that . 
Now I was  a real hole almost a small pond. 
Time and again you drove into me 
Jarring your chassis and throwing up a sheet of spray .
 I was especially happy at night
 when you could not. see me and drove right into me . 
I shouted for joy as you bounced and shuddered
 the big trailers with their large containers 
 Couldnt avoid me and would crash into my sides. 
Cyclist and motor cyclists were thrown off their bikes . 
Tuk tuks would stop in mid stream unable to mount my walls.
Then the rain would evaporate,
 I was exposed in all my glory ,
A magnificent deep wide hole in the road. 
It said , I am here you can no longer ignore me.' 
Sometimes I had moments of grandeur 
when I imagined I was a lake, 
with fish and tadpoles and all manner of watery things. 
But then in a moment of reality 
I would see myself for what I was 
A piece of road that had failed,  
Failed to provide the smooth surface 
That drivers could expect, 
That they had a right to, 
that drivers had paid for. 
And then at another time 
I exalted in my power, 
As masters of the road have to bow down to me and acknowledge me.  
 Now in dark moments
 I wonder how much  longer 
I can command the high ground of the road
Pushing you further into the hedge 
Before someone decided to fill me in.

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