Thursday, November 1, 2018

I'm going in

‘I’m going in’ was the phrase used by the shooter as he prepared his arsenal of guns to mow down innocent men and women in a synagogue in Pittsburgh recently. 
It is a phrase used in war- was that what he thought he was fighting, a war against the Jews; a people who have espoused peace for over seven thousand years; a people who have been persecuted, discriminated against and the final infamy, gassed and incinerated in the worst atrocities the world had ever seen?

How had he reached that point in his life? What had convinced a fellow American that to kill innocent people at prayer was in some way making the world a better place. Call him bigoted, insane any word to avoid saying the truth that he like millions of others had been fed a diet of hate and blame against anyone who is ‘other’- other in colour creed or belief. Yet he was a product of a nation built on ‘other’, created from the hopes and dreams of millions of immigrants displaced by the very forces that he is now identifying with.

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