Thursday, April 7, 2016

            That is the feeling I have as once again I sit in the dark experiencing another power outage. The constant drumming of the generators is a reminder of the appalling state of energy production here in Kenya where a monopoly controls its production. Since 7 am this morning the power has been out. It is now 10 pm, 15 hours without electricity. Nobody complains, nobody rises up in outrage, no one objects and demands a better service. There is a placid acceptance of the unacceptable. Why are the people so pathetic, why so long-suffering?
            It’s a fatal weakness in the ordinary man, which allows the government to ride rough shod over him knowing that he will accept everything without lifting a finger to complain.
            What would happen in other countries? There would be a public outcry. Crowds would assemble and march to the company headquarters demanding a better service. Government would intervene and engage with the company. An enquiry would be set up to look for the reasons and to correct it. Heads would roll. Management would be required to answer and present plans to avoid it in the future.

            Why doesn’t that happen here?

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