Thursday, April 7, 2016

Vacant and not possessed.

            A short walk around Nyali, a suburb of Mombasa, Kenya soon confronts the visitor with an enormous number of tall multi-storied apartment blocks. They stand like stark sentinels reaching for the sky. During the day no one is seen to come in or out and at night they are in darkness, not a light is visible at any window. Not one is occupied and yet another and another is being built.
            At a time when the economy is in down fall and the banks are struggling to stay afloat, where has the money come from? It requires no Professor of economics to work that out. Yet no city official, no city police step forwards to confront the obvious felony.
            Meanwhile the city is overrun with beggars and street children, and ordinary people are unable to afford a roof over their heads. Surely the solution is obvious. Take over the empty buildings and house the homeless. Two problems solved in one swoop.

            Has anyone the courage to do what is needed to be done? The silence is deafening.

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